Drew Hicks as "Brad"

Drew, one of the creators/writers of The Free Box, has been a writer since he can remember. He even used to win awards in grade school for his writing. He says that it's not that big of a deal now, but sure seemed like one when he was 9. Drew grew up in Indiana, cruising the small town streets on his skateboard and causing random bits of chaos. He also had two bands in Indiana, one of which was a hip-hop band called “Cockface”. The other a punk rock band called “The Flaming Urethras”. (Yes, that's him rapping in The Free Box intro video!)

Drew moved to Portland in 2006, met Jon Meyer in the beginning of 2008, quit his job as a sous chef, got a part-time job as a dish washer and decided to devote most of his time to The Free Box. Drew currently plays guitar and sings for the band Park Friends.

Click here to connect with Drew.

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